
What Readers are Saying about…

…hands down my favorite author. -Tiffany

Kimberly Rae is by far my favorite author. She keeps me on the edge of my seat, taps into my emotions, and makes me think more honestly and deeply about my faith. – Alice


WOW!!! It was awesome! I don’t know how I’ll get through work today as I was up to the wee hours of the morning because I couldn’t put it down!

…my new favorite author!!!                                                                          
The book was intriguing in every way…the love story, the risks…and the in your face realization that young girls and women everywhere are precious to our Creator and deserve to be treated as such! 
Read it cover to cover in one day and LOVED IT! It tore at my heart with every page! 

Kimberly takes the most horrific and outrageous crime in the world and handles it with clarity and boldness. Her insight into the world of human trafficking will amaze, shock and move you to action. This is a book you can’t afford not to read.
– Susie Shellenberger, Editor SUSIE Magazine, Author 40+ books

…a beautiful story of hope amidst a landscape of brokenness.
– Chad Salstom, Origin Coffee and Tea, where all profits go to rescuing the trafficked

…as well written as Karen Kingsbury and others I have read! Wow! What a message. I couldn’t put it down.
– Kim Olachea, Educator, Seminar speaker

2 Stolen Child
I found that her second book, Stolen Child surpassed the first….It was certainly worth the wait. I couldn’t put it down! I love predicting storylines and this book kept me guessing during most of the main dramatic parts. Now to wait for the 3rd book, which I am sure will not disappoint!
I could not put these books down once I started reading them.

The bad thing about finding a favorite “new” writer is when you finish reading the 2 books she has out, there is nothing to go back and read lol! Can’t wait for your next book and the future ones after that!

Again, it was a book I could barely put down. Each chapter drew you further into the story and the excitement….I of course, loved the ever deepening love story of Asha and Mark. I don’t want to spoil any of it, but boy is it exciting and romantic!

3 Stolen Future LOVED it! It was the best one yet! Honestly they just kept getting better!
Mary Beth

It was amazing – I couldn’t put it down

LOVE these books!!!

My heart is racing. I have smiled, prayed, cried, held my breath, and rejoiced.

…an amazing ending to the series.

“Rae brings to light difficult subject matter with empathy and restraint, gracefully exploring the pain of overcoming violation and trauma through the eyes of the victims….This is an uplifting story about the courage it takes to reform a community and care for the marginalized and neglected.”

…this book really blew me away! So many nice little Christian novels out there, but so few that really attempt to be life-changing….It makes such a difference!… I was so taken away with the story. All the emotion, the drama, the romance and tenderness, the action, adventure. I couldn’t wait to see what happened but I didn’t want it to end either. I really can’t say enough good things about it and how much I enjoyed it. WOW!… I was nervous with anticipation and crying and so caught up in it all. I had to put the book down to give myself an emotional break. 🙂 … I rarely cry over books, but I think that other than Karen Kingsbury, [Rae is] the only other author that has made me cry while reading a book. -Sue

I love it!!!…[Rae’s] best book yet I think! Can’t put it down. -Mary

I couldn’t put the book down a compelling story of suspense and romance. -Jeanie

…incredible. -Michael

I think this is [Rae’s] best book yet. It is so relative to today’s church and how we treat people. It is a wonderful mix of relationships, interwoven with suspense and love. It is a must read for anyone who thinks their past defines them and gives them no hope, whether they are a victim of human trafficking, child abuse, or just bad decision making, because Jesus can wipe the slate clean. -Wanda


This is an intense book!  Very well written, great character development….I don’t know someone that couldn’t identify with one or more characters in it, the heart, the heartbreak, the discomfort with someone they don’t know/understand, the living in fear. I LOVE Candy’s character….She is so raw and real….I literally cried. I cannot say enough about this book. I literally couldn’t put it down. It was SO GOOD. -Amy

Shatteredbuilding2PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY:
In Rae’s (Shredded) second installment in the Broken series, Jean has fallen in love with Grant, whom she met in book 1, but her emotional scars run deeper than her love for him. As she learns to let go, her heart begins to heal. Jean relies often on her friend in faith Candy, whose refreshing sense of humor and positive outlook never ceases, to astound as she spiritually challenges the ladies at their church. Although Candy’s plan to start a strip club ministry horrifies them, they soon realize the critical need the strippers’ have for freedom from their protective club owner and themselves. Looking for redemption, Candy’s friend Champagne is released from prison only to be blackmailed into betraying her former friends to protect her sister. Although they don’t believe in her innocence, the church community protects her, risking their lives to help her. The outcome is a chilling chase that results in heartache and hurt. 

Rae admirably approaches a difficult subject with a nice balance of romance, intrigue, and wit, while proving that no one is too far gone to overcome their past.

Restored buildingw

…full of intense emotions, quick scene changes, and elaborate plotting. 
…the perfect ending to this series.  – Lou Ann
One of my all time favorite series!! Anyone who reads them will never be the same.  – Michelle


“extremely suspenseful”

an “amazing book”

“excellent job of plotting”

“…full of suspense and mystery so intriguing that I could not put the book down.”

“I cried…I laughed…excellent book!!!”

“…intriguing and a page turner.”

“…unexpected plot twists.”

“I couldn’t put it down! It scared me to death—and I love being scared!”

“[Rae’s] best book yet.”